Sherlock Web Workplace Safety Data Sheet

Although Workplace SDS are no longer a legal requirement in Denmark, they have great value as working instructions regarding the usage of chemicals.

This module offers workplace instructions and you can attach the supplier’s safety data sheet. This allows your employees to easily orient themselves in precautions, required protective equipment and disposal of waste and empty packaging, etc.

Review facility ensures that an authorized person acknowledges for periodic review so that you can demonstrate that you keep up to date with the latest information in the chemistry field.

The HSE Group and department heads can easily get an overview of which chemicals should be phased out and/or substituted, for example, by selecting the menu “By CLP”, where it will also indicate whether the products are on the list of SVHC and / or whether the substance is cancerrogen.

The module also makes it easy to comply with the Danish Labour Inspectorate’s requirements for chemical risk assessment.

If you put QR codes on your chemistry, employees can simply, by scanning the QR code with the mobile phone, see guidelines on using the chemical they are about to use.

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